Project Management and document control during the conversion of two gas carriers to bunkering vessels
The project
Region: Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Titan started a challenging project with the objective of converting two gas carriers into bunkering vessels. The initiative was divided into two separate phases. The initial phase focused on the refurbishment of the existing structures, ensuring they meet the necessary standards. After completing this phase, the second phase of the project could start. This subsequent phase involves conducting and implementing a series of upgrades to enhance the functionality and efficiency of the vessels. The entire conversion process requires careful planning, comprehensive budgeting, and teamwork. CoWaves was approached to provide assistance in the project planning of phase two.

CoWaves became involved in the project as the refurbishment phase was coming to a close and phase two, upgrading the vessels, was about to start. As there was not yet a full schedule for the second phase, CoWaves was asked to develop a comprehensive project plan. This included timelines for the various tasks, estimated installation times, procurement deadlines due to long lead times, and therefore determining the critical path. Additionally, a budget was established to ensure cost control throughout the project.
Besides working on the project plan for the upgrade task, CoWaves reorganized and implemented the folder structures to be used during the project. Duplicate files were eliminated, and the entire file structure was organized in accordance with the SFI group system, resulting in improved visibility and accessibility of relevant documents.

CoWaves was approached for the project due to our expertise in project planning and management within the maritime sector. Having successfully undertaken conversion projects in the past, CoWaves possessed the necessary knowledge and skills to navigate the complexities involved in transforming vessels and having the appropriate project support available. Our track record of delivering high-quality results and the positive relationship with Titan established through our previous collaborations, instilled their confidence in our ability to effectively contribute to the project and meet the company’s expectations once again.

Client grade
Duration project: 3 months
Number of stakeholder (parties): +/- 8 – complexity medium
Client grade: 7.8 / 10
Get in touch
We bridge the gap between people and technology. We are getting things done in a humane way in maritime project-, process- and data management.
+31 (0)6 300 11 910
Overschiestraat 55
1062 HN Amsterdam
The Netherlands